Friday, September 7, 2012

Please Help Prevent Seven New Radio Towers on Wixom & Milford Border!


This is a call to action for Wixom and Milford residents! The Milford Planning Commission has been petitioned by Birach Broadcasting, a large AM radio company with 25 radio stations, to recommend a zoning change to allow Birach to bulldoze dozens of acres of trees and erect 7 199-foot tall radio towers (the pictures of one tower above was provided by Birach in a letter to the City of Wixom – isn’t it awful?!!?!). 199 feet tall is equivalent to a 20 STORY BUILDING!!

The site is just West of Charms Road – it backs right up to our wetlands and will be visible to much of Wixom and Milford (see map, below).   Birach owns the land but it is currently zoned “M-2” which means that while industrial, nothing taller than 50 feet high can be built on the property.  Sima Birach (the sole owner of Birach Broadcasting) wants to change that – and it gets worse -- Birach owns enough property to add many more antennas in the future!   We all bought our homes in a beautiful area with plenty of trees and wildlife, and those amazing qualities of our area are going to be destroyed if this Antenna Farm is built!  What will happen to our property values?

At the last Planning Commissions Meeting, one of the commissioners explicitly stated that Milford would be sued by Birach - at great cost, if they reject this proposal.  Whether the suit gets tossed out eventually doesn’t matter – Birach’s pockets are far deeper than Milford’s and Wixom’s!!

The Mayor of Wixom, Kevin Hinckley, told the Milford Commission at the last Planning Meeting – this will harm hundreds or even thousands of people who bought their homes here when this area was beautify and zoned so that nothing like this could scar the landscape (under the current zoning), and allowing this would have only a single beneficiary – Birach and his Broadcasting Company.

  1. Towers will be very visible to much of Milford and Wixom and an eye-sore.  Property values will likely decrease!
  2. Dozens of acres of trees will be plowed down. 
  3. Wildlife will be killed or forced to move.
  4. The beautiful area in which we live will lose a valuable resource - beautiful trees/plants and wildlife will be removed only to replace with very ugly and large towers.
  5. There will be no new jobs created from these towers, so valuable land will be wasted at a high cost!
  6. There have been some studies linking possible health risks in individuals living near radio towers.

  1. PLEASE attend the next Milford Township Planning Committee Meeting and tell your friends and neighbors! It will be held on Thursday, September 27 at 7:30 PM at the following address: Milford Civic Center, 1100 Atlantic, Milford. You don’t need to speak at the meeting, but we need a strong showing of people. You can speak if you would like to – they open the floor up for questions, but even just being there and applauding your fellow citizens would be a great to show that we love where we live and we do not want the landscape scarred for all for the gain of 1 company! (in case you were wondering, the “Antenna Farm” will not have any employees – so it’s not even like anyone gets a job out of this proposal!). 
  2. Help distribute flyers in the area to make others aware and spread the word.  Let me know if you want a flyer!
  3. Call Milford Township at (248) 685-8731. Let’s flood them with neighborly calls reminding them why we all want to live in this area!

We need to help Milford JUST SAY NO!

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